Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hurt~~~ hurt~~~ hurt in every part... suffer!!! ='(

shoulder pain, chest pain, arm pain,abdominal pain, consequence of harsh exercise in gym training...

Today~ injured my leg, lips internal bleeding, headache and stomachache... argh!!!

Although all of it are hurt, but i felt numb~~ no matter how hurt it will be, i won't care.. because all of that weren't hurt than my heart~ =(

Fine then... let me collapse!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gatalkeh ni???

People are always sensitive with touching especially both are in different sex
and the preson who did so will consider as "gatal"...
Do you agree with this circumstances???

Well,this thinking will only exist in Malaysian's mind whereas it's not for western countries as Malaysian's can't be open minded as the western people...

Sometimes when a guy touch a girl waist or shoulder while taking photo, others who saw it will think nonsence... Don't know why~~~

For western people, all of these are just a common things... They may even hug each other, kiss one other hand and etc... as greet~~~

When this situation happen to Malaysian, you certainly will heard many sorts of silly sounds like yer~~, aiyer~~, huaa~~, woo~~~ and so on.. =.=""

Sometimes when even a guy is just touch their ladies' friends head when they meet or just abit close with them, others who saw it will say the guy as , RM7.80~~ which is the common nick name... =S

Hey, this action is illegal in Malaysia~~~ xD

I can't predict what will happened when those people are stay in western countries... Maybe they will cry?? Think that they already "sit dai"??? or may even sue the person to the courts..XD
Aiyah, people~~ Don't be so sensitive lar.. Belum try belum tau, Sekali try, hari hari mau~~~ XD

I really don't think that's anything wrong with that... In contrast, all of these should not be happened for the same sex... Erm, it's still acceptable between girl and girl... But what i really "pantang" is "GHEY"... shit~~ It makes me wanna puke when this happen to me or I saw it...

It makes me wonder, why the normal one people will decline all the while whereas the abnormal one is happen in the entire street~~~ wierd Malaysian!!!

fish and wil~~ appreciate your banana!!! XD

Something that more disgusting is they don't want to be a normal guy but wanna become sissy~~~ wtf!!! It's not strange to see this kind of dumb nowadays... their practically are totally make me sick!!!

They may think that they are more prefer ladies lifestyle, like to be a girl... But please la, your mother pregnant and carry you for 10 months, birth you out with a pair of egg and banana, flow with "hormom testosterone", so please use it wisely... Don't even try to change it to "hormom progestrone"... this will totally hurt your mum... They may even willing to spend money to do many sorts of surgery to display the symptomes which could make them look alike with ladies...omg~~~duh!!! Ini takdir Tuhan, Tuhan nak you jadi laki, patuh saje la... Why you wanna change to such disgusting lifestyle??? Why don't make yourself be more macho??? =.=

Same for ladies, why you guys wanna act like a guy and full with "guy smell"??? Why don't wanna become a soft,polite and caring ladies whereas wanna behave gruff and rowdy??... I'm not discriminate of this sorts of people, i just can't accept it.. It makes the lifestyle becomes irregularity...

Anyway, I can't prevent it to be happened... Just appreciate what had GOD given to you...

p/s: Sorry for using all of this photo... I just found it's suitable to express it out... XD.. Please don't sue me...

Damn Unusual Building~~~~

Here it is>>>>>>>>>>>

Similr with bucket that aunty use it at the market...
Fuji Sankei Building in Tokyo

'Dancing House'

Here's a building that should really get your attention when walking pass it. The Dancing House is considered as one of the more real controversial buildings in Prague . The DH was actually designed by a great architect from California , which only proves that he had done some type of hallucinogen while designing it.

'Robot Building'

The Bank of Asia is a very famous building in Bangkok . It was made way back in 1985, and it's robotic appearance is just a symbol of the modernization of banking. It also has the ability to transform into a mega-robot. So, if Godzilla ever decided to show his green face in the land of Bangkok , they would have to fight!

'Ripley's building'

If you saw this picture for the first time, you'd probably thought that it was hit by a massive earthquake. But it wasn't. In true fashion of the Ripley Legacy, it was built to reflect the odd 1812 earthquake that measured 8.0 on the rick. The building has now become one of the most photographed in the world because of it.

'The Wilson Hall'

(but it's not Chan Wilson... XD)

This somewhat modernize building was actually built between 1971 and 1974. It's unique design gives the Wilson Hall a great sense of structure, and a prominent landmark for the skyline. The building provides big laboratories, offices, and supports space for over 1500 scientists. And it houses all kinds of strange experiments.

'135 degree Angle building'

This bizarre house really doesn't have an official name, but it does have a 135 degree angle. So that's what we're going to call it. Unfortunately, the only info we have about this house is that it was built in China or Japan . And that it has a silly pink roof. And if you look real close, you'll notice that it's on a 135 degree damn angle.

'Hotel Sofitel'

This hotel's unique design was directly inspired by the traditional temples in Japan . The Tokyo Sofitel has over 72 rooms, and 11 suites with 3 non-smoking floors... And 5 meeting rooms that includes high-tech boardrooms. Please realize that you have to sell your soul in order to step foot inside this amazing hotel.

'Triangle building'

We wonder what type of work goes on inside this kind of a building. The unofficial Triangle Building is just a wonder to look at and to ponder over. But, can this be one of the evil headquarters for Scientology or Starbucks? Does this building have triangle bathrooms? There's so many damn questions!

'The Astra Haus'

The strange building is actually a brewery in Hamburg , Germany . The floors can move up or down on it's skinny column core. As of now, the unique building has been destroyed. One of it's more famous beer brands was recently bought by a big refreshment corporation. And that beer brand was called Astra.

'Upside Downer'

Take a journey into the unknown with a building called Wonder Works . It's central Florida 's only upside down attraction. And an amusement park for your mind, and your stoner friends. This odd building has over 100 wacky interactive exhibits for your entire family to experience. But make sure you free your weed before coming.

'Crooked House'

You know that your looking at a real building right? The Crooked House was built in 2004 as an addition at a popular shopping center, and is a major tourist attraction in Sopot , Poland . We just wonder what happens when someone who's under a controlled substance sees this building for the first time in their life.

Amazing right???

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Annual Parade 2008~~

Finally we had finished our BSMM greatest event, Annual Parade, which is the most importance and a large event organized by us annually...
The event was gone through smoothly especially with good weather, Thanks GOD~~~ Also,our penang state TYT was coming earlier too.. So, we don't need stand so long just to wait him...

I'm holding Parade Adjutant for the annual parade this year,second rank in the entire parade...

This year is quite lucky for all of us since the armies that invited this year didn't "K" us unlike previous year, the armise that invited were like to scold. Consequently,parade commander,adjutant and sergeant major were scolded by the armies until " gou2 xue3 ling2 tou2" ( in chinese) whereas this year not, somemore they are still can fool around... hehe~~

Spend a week of my holiday for this stuff including rehearsal and all that.. Unfortunately, I went through this week with sickness and it's totally ruin my mood... sad~~~

Lack of some feelings in this year annual parade... perhaps this year I have less work to do as Adjutant cause of changing style by the armies, and the another cause is because of sickness... haiz~~

Consequence of the parade, I become "African" again... =.=

The main stage~~

me and my commander,dexter...

disaster team~~~


Ford Ranger with disaster rescued boat~~

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sigh~~ Today Our Prime Minister have been officially announced that petrol price will be raise up from RM1.92 to RM2.7 a litre after 12 midnight today effectively...

OMG~~ This is really a high rate duh!!!

WTF~~ What they had done!!! It's really kill all the people who own cars...

Last week they had just annouced through the press that will probably raise up the price on this coming august, but now suddenly our Prime Minister give this such surprising news... mlm!!!

Even if they want to raise up the price, please la~~ don't raise until so high gua!! can increase slowly what.. at least it still won't bring us so much financial burden on petrol... APA NI AKAL~~ pui!!!!!

( sorry for my rudeness)

After all the people have heard that news, definitely they will rush to petrol station to fill up their car petrol and my dad was asking me to do so too~~ =.=""

This is what had happen on the road just now~~ (traffic jam)

It's almost spend my time about 1 hour just to go out for filling up petrol... =.=

I've pass by few petrol stations and all of it had fully stuck by the cars..

Then i continue to drive and search for the petrol station which was not really jam rather than stuck for waiting there. Also, can drive around for fun since need to fill up the petrol eventually what... wahaha!! so drive more lor..XD

Finally, it's already about 11pm.. omg~~ faster get a petrol station and stuck over there or else when it's over 12 midnight, then i gonna killed by dad... XD

So, I had stuck at shell petrol station.. More worse there, jam until the middle of the road.. keksim~~

Fine then... no choice~~ just to continue waiting....

haiz~~ need to save petrol after today...

Hope that someday, car need not petrol to work whereas by using other sources...

Here are several ways to save your car petrol:

~driving on a constant speed to economise fuel.

~get proper direction before heading to an unfamiliar destination. By being sure of the way, you can get to your destination on time without wasting fuel unnecessarily.

~If it's a short journey to somewhere,walking there will do ( keep fit la, wilson hor??? XD). Besides giving you a light cardio-workout,it will also maintain both fuel and general wear and tear of your car.

~If you're at a standstill for a long period, it's best to turn off the car engine. By restarting the engine you will save more fuel, instead of letting the engine idle for 30-50 seconds.

~Never drag your car on low gears for long,especially when the road is clear in front of you. Shift up to a higher gear early,because a higher gear equals to lower engine speed and lower fuel consumption.

~Don't carry unnecessary loads ( "PKR" and "PBN" are consider too XD) in the boot or on the roof as this will increase your car's fuel consumption.

That's all~~ learned up by now yea....XD

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Form 6~~ sigh!!!

Time flies rapidly, I have stay in form 6 for almost a year.. Until today, it's just left few months for me and my future will also depend on these few months.. sigh~~

Lower 6 gone with nothing, still fool around and keep the secondary behaviour and attitude.. But it's Okay,that's fine.. I'm still satisfy with my result,not that bad as my expected..

But when come to upper 6, my result start to drop and what I've learned before seems lost.. Things that learned, forgot when exam.. This is what makes me irritated.. But it's no point for me to blame.. Do I treat my studies seriously?? Do I ever think of my future?? Do I really know what i desire??

Yea,I have think of my future,as what everyone think of it too.. Want a bright future!! They think and will try their best to strive for it... But me, continue hibernate... haiz~~

What I desire actually??? Frankly, I Don't Know!!! Many peoples had ask me, but my answer is always the same,~ Wait for the STPM result.. Good result, no worrying.. all the courses will belongs to you. In contrast, bad result, eat SHIT!!! They might throw you to TANAM PADI!!!

Dumb thinking right?? I have try to seek for my aim before, but sorry, i really don't know what is my interest. I won't back to form 6 if i know what want as I'm study in college initially.. During that time, my mind is just think of escaping form 6, without think of my interest properly... After study for a period, i felt myself totally not interested on it and don't even know what courses do I interested in. Hence, to prevent from wasting my dad money and my own time, I decided to crawl back to the hell (form 6) with fully undesirable...haih~~

Everyone have their aims and fight for their path, but me.. fight with no direction~~DIE!!

Always just know to think of how to die in the STPM, but never put effort on it..useless!!!

Sometimes I have try but unable to solve, it makes me give up easily when dealing with difficulty.. Always keep the simple mind and never think deeply will do... Consequently, prepare to " long tiang".

Previously,I have heard from senior that they will study until cry, I thought them as weak, "aiyoyo, study only mer, why need to cry"... Until today, I face it. I'm the one who is the weakest. I know the reason why they cry eventually.. Can't even control my tears to drop out after finish one of my exam paper.. My hard work doesn't paid off.. Really think of giving up for the exam at that moment.. I'm stupid~~ duh!!!

Sometimes i really envy of my friends who just graduated from matriculation.. Now they are waiting to enter university.. Same age with us, but become our senior soon. Why I'm not the one of them.. I rather suffer in there for 9 months than suffer in form 6 for 1 and a half year, somemore it's guarantee for entering university but form 6 not.. wtf!!! Unfair la dude~~ =(

24 weeks left.. Be a Doctor or a Dog?????? answer is there~~
Don't dump me to the HUTAN become Tarzan please~~

I can start to build a grave for myself soon.. sigh~~