Sunday, June 8, 2008

Annual Parade 2008~~

Finally we had finished our BSMM greatest event, Annual Parade, which is the most importance and a large event organized by us annually...
The event was gone through smoothly especially with good weather, Thanks GOD~~~ Also,our penang state TYT was coming earlier too.. So, we don't need stand so long just to wait him...

I'm holding Parade Adjutant for the annual parade this year,second rank in the entire parade...

This year is quite lucky for all of us since the armies that invited this year didn't "K" us unlike previous year, the armise that invited were like to scold. Consequently,parade commander,adjutant and sergeant major were scolded by the armies until " gou2 xue3 ling2 tou2" ( in chinese) whereas this year not, somemore they are still can fool around... hehe~~

Spend a week of my holiday for this stuff including rehearsal and all that.. Unfortunately, I went through this week with sickness and it's totally ruin my mood... sad~~~

Lack of some feelings in this year annual parade... perhaps this year I have less work to do as Adjutant cause of changing style by the armies, and the another cause is because of sickness... haiz~~

Consequence of the parade, I become "African" again... =.=

The main stage~~

me and my commander,dexter...

disaster team~~~


Ford Ranger with disaster rescued boat~~

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