( sorry for my rudeness)
It's almost spend my time about 1 hour just to go out for filling up petrol... =.=
I've pass by few petrol stations and all of it had fully stuck by the cars..
Then i continue to drive and search for the petrol station which was not really jam rather than stuck for waiting there. Also, can drive around for fun since need to fill up the petrol eventually what... wahaha!! so drive more lor..XD
Finally, it's already about 11pm.. omg~~ faster get a petrol station and stuck over there or else when it's over 12 midnight, then i gonna killed by dad... XD
So, I had stuck at shell petrol station.. More worse there, jam until the middle of the road.. keksim~~
Fine then... no choice~~ just to continue waiting....
haiz~~ need to save petrol after today...
Hope that someday, car need not petrol to work whereas by using other sources...
Here are several ways to save your car petrol:
~driving on a constant speed to economise fuel.
~get proper direction before heading to an unfamiliar destination. By being sure of the way, you can get to your destination on time without wasting fuel unnecessarily.
~If it's a short journey to somewhere,walking there will do ( keep fit la, wilson hor??? XD). Besides giving you a light cardio-workout,it will also maintain both fuel and general wear and tear of your car.
~If you're at a standstill for a long period, it's best to turn off the car engine. By restarting the engine you will save more fuel, instead of letting the engine idle for 30-50 seconds.
~Never drag your car on low gears for long,especially when the road is clear in front of you. Shift up to a higher gear early,because a higher gear equals to lower engine speed and lower fuel consumption.
~Don't carry unnecessary loads ( "PKR" and "PBN" are consider too XD) in the boot or on the roof as this will increase your car's fuel consumption.
That's all~~ learned up by now yea....XD
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