Friday, November 30, 2007

M3mOri3$ In PBSM~~~

click it to enlarge.....


~~ awards presentation~~

~~annual training camp 2005~~

~~formation marching competition~~

~~first aid competition~~

~~annual training camp 2006~~

~~annual parade~~
~~ VAD~~

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Finally i found the photo... still remember the awards we obtained last time... that's as a appreciation for our service in PBSM.... Really feel lucky because among all the member i'm the chosen one.... hehe!!!! I obtain a "sijil kepujian"... That's a very worth certificate for PBSM member.... I got it.... hehe!!!! I obtain considerable of certificate and pass substancial of exam... All of these makes me feel glad and it's worth for me staying so many years in PBSM...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Last saturday our camp was started.... It can said to be very success, but this may be could only feel by the participants.... For me, even it's success but inside the success there are a lots of unfavourable thing had happen among our organizer committe... Make everyone very down,sad and so on... haizzzz.... I don't like all of these undesirable things happen during camp... As OC,we should coorperate together and not to blame and quarel with each other.... that's meaningless and no point for us.... All of them are my friends, look at them cry,sad,down.... i also sad with this...=(... Why can't we give coorperation to each other??? This problem is still always happened.... sad case!!!!

But anyway.... the camp is over already and it can be considered as success too... All the sad things just forget about it whereas the happy and memorable things should always be remembered.... =D

Happy Holiday to all the camp OC ya!!!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007


Now is the last hour 4 my holiday....After that i will start torturing in my busy stuff for 12 days continuously.... haiz... Now really don't have the mood... Don't know how to over the time....

Really hope can faster over it, but during the period really very suffer... ARGH!!!!!... Please....Help!!! how come i can't have a wonderful holiday...
Back still pain... iish!!!! have to becareful in doing anything...

Whatever... hope the camp can going well without any trouble... Also my instructor course + exam can perform well and i can PASS it as a reward since i have suffering for 9 days of courses so that it is worth and my hard work do pay off... =D


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hurt.... argh!!!

My luck is totally unfortunate enough.... Why i say so????

Back to last month... as i didnt playing basketball for a long time... So i decide to go to play since my friends have invite me.... The day when i was playing until very fun,i crashed by a huge guy.... i fall down immediately and i feel my spine got a little bit i stop to play d... Initially, I thought it nothing so i didn't bother about it... After a week, my spine was still pain so i go to consult doctor.... After a few days it was recovered...

Again....Today i was go playing basketball .... What the heck?!?!?!? same case happen to me... crashed by a guy again( different people).... damn!!!!! Again, injured my spine again.... OMG!!!! Why im so sui!?!?!?!? This time is more serious than last time... I cant even bent my back... It was very hurt just even a slightly bent.... argh!!! HELP!!! it's getting hurt and i can't endure already so i go consult the doctor again... once i reach there, the doctor still recognise me... haizz... he ask me better don't play basketball again... But this time after his treatment, i still feel pain... hopefully after eat his medicine i can recover... cause the national camp and my instructor exam are coming soon...

Play 2 times injured the same part 2 times.... What the fruits?!?!?! what's going on... totally SUI..... now i have to stay at home rest for few days.... I dare not to play basketball again.... Play 1 time has to pay RM35 for treatment.... How worth it was!!!!! >.<... I also think that my spine strength is getting weak since last time injured... Before that even i fall down for several times nothing happen to me also... ARGH~~~

Sunday, November 18, 2007


> >>我是男生,看到自己喜欢的女生一定不会放过机会。。从开始的认识到后来的明示,目的还不是不要错过机会。。但是追求的过程很辛苦,辛苦的不只是生理,心里也一样痛苦。。为什么呢?

> >>从一个男生的角度,我当然比较了解男生的心理。。男生看到自己喜欢的女生就一定会主动出击。。但是却不是每个人都百发百中,那么好运的。。女生的心思在科技发达的今天还是无法被男生了解,为什么呢?原因大概只有天知,地知,你们知,男生就完全不知。。女生这一刻可以跟你很暧昧,也很开心接受你的攻势,但是这一刻过后就好像不认识你,甚至不接你的电话,不回你的短讯。。原因呢?还是只有天知,地知,你们知,我们男生完全不知。。

> >>任何一个男生在追求女生的时候,心里都是很复杂的。。我们或许看起来很勇敢。。但是在那同时,我们也在提心吊胆。。对于我们自己的一举一动,无时无刻都担心你们女生是不是都明白?是不是都能接受?还是会不会过分了?超过了?

> >>但是对于这些,你们女生永远都不会知道。。你们不但不了解,还一味的为了保护自己而保持欲拒还迎的矛盾心理,生怕自己会是最后受伤的那个。。但是你们却不知道,男生也是人,也会受伤的,而且还会伤的更重。。

> >>表白过后被拒绝后该如何?身为一个男生该如何呢?该继续追求吗?保持朋友关系?还是该来多一次的表白?其实女生都不明白,你们根本就不明白身为男生的痛苦。。你们只会说男生该主动,但是你们却不知道身为男生的我们根本不了解那一刻的你们到底需要的是什么?距离?冷静?第二次的表白?还是永远的不打扰?如果我们冒冒然的再次出击,搞不好连朋友都没得做。。那么你们说身为男生的我们该如何是好?

> >>挫折是不会那么容易击倒一个男生的。。但是挫折会伤害到一个男生脆弱的心灵。。挫折过后的离开并不是因为我们要保护自己,而是我们想挽回之前的友谊。。我们只是纯粹的不想之间的友谊会因为一次的告白而被破坏了。。但是女生会明白吗?女生只会说男生喜欢在挫折过后把自己紧紧地保护起来,默默地舔舐伤口。。如果女生是那么喜欢那个男生的话,那么还请不要那么自私,给他一个机会,也给自己一个机会。。不要到了无法挽回的时候才说自己后悔了。。男生会认为说你们是不喜欢他的,不然的话为什么当初一开始不机会?

> >>虽然现在是男女平等的时代,但是身为男生的我们还是比较难接受女追男的现象(但是并不是说完全不可能)。。虽然这会让众男生高兴,骄傲。。其实我们要的不多,我们只是希望你们可以直截了当的表明立场,喜欢的话就多少给点暗示,不喜欢也别做的那么绝。。事情过后,遇到了还是朋友,不要把我们的关心当成是另一波的追求(虽然可能性蛮高。。哈哈),如果我们真的觉得是没有结果的话,我们会死心的。。

> >>其实我们男生不喜欢你们女生讲我们死缠烂打,你们可以称之为有诚意,因为死缠烂打这个词真的太严重了。。我们可以献上100%的诚意给你们,但还请不要将我们的诚意当作是你们所谓的死缠烂打。。我们不想你们为我们而烦恼,我们没有更没有要将你吃掉的打算,所以我们不会将你逼到墙角,因为如果我们是这样做的话,到最后受伤的还是我们自己而已。。其实男生可以很潇洒的,更可以很大方的祝福你们的,如果你们真的遇到属于你们的幸福。。

> >>你们女生会说女生是感性的,也容易沉浸在爱情里所以现在付出的辛苦是为以后更多更久的爱打基础。。但是你们却永远也不知道男生要的不是这些。。男生要的不是你们以后的加倍付出,因为男生也会在同样的时间,同样的条件下同等或者更多的付出。。人生短短几十年,为什么还要花那么多的时间来拖拖拉拉呢?多一天的相爱,少一天的烦恼不是更好吗?对于自己的幸福,身为一个男生一定会勇往直前,但是还请感性的女生多给机会,少给挑战,男生很单纯而已,我们不会知道这一刻你们要的是什么,下一刻要的又是什么。。

> >>再补充一句,对于自己喜欢的女生,我会毫无顾虑的勇往直前,但是还请不要在我受伤过后才说你后悔,我已经没有勇气尝试了。。因为我也是个会受伤的男生而已。。

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Holiday 1st outing.... =D

Today after exam me and my friends are going to penang for our first outing in holiday... =D
We are going to queensbay mall.... we are late to there as the penang bridge was traffic jam... pek chek!!!!! After we reach there, we go to shop around and after that go to have our dinner.... Wow... dinner.... extremely expensive and luxury... beh tahan.... we are having our dinner at " Dave Deli"... fu Yoh~~~

After that we go to play some games.... long time didn't go to that place already... I go there to play some games but the most challenging and exciting games is.... erm.... don't know what the games call already... XD... is shooting games.... all is control by ur body, just like a real person for an action... I play that until my leg is nearly get cramp.... have to squat up and down continuously... XD.... really tired....

After playing, the day is getting late so we all leave queensbay and go to "New World" to have some supper.... =D.... First time i go there.... really is a nice place.... substancial of restaurant have at there too....

In conclusion, all my expenses are spend on eating.... =.="" totally bankrap...XD!!! But very happy and enjoy today.... anyway, thanks our drive PEE... without you and your NAZA RIA our outing can't be success.... haha!!!

Last day of the exam....~~~~

Today was the last day of our final exam... the last subject of today is math....

Erm... Math ar... is quite okay but i done lots of mistake also.... some stupid mistake i've done.... speechless.... But overall is quite satisfy.... !!!!!

Today also was our last day of study.... after today our lower 6 is come to the end.... Holiday already... but i can't relax yet.... still have considerable of stuff wait for me to do.... haizzz..... after rest for few days have to start suffer until december already... argh!!!!! Hate it!?!?!?!?!

Anyway... finally i can escape from the book for a period.... no need drowning by the book already.... feel very free and relax now... all the stress and burden can be removed for a moment.... Feel good!!!! =D

By the way.... i'm here to wish all my friend "Happy Holiday" ya, enjoy urself....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

3rd day.... 15th november~~~

Wow.... "good news here"..... Today physics exam.... yoyo... check it out.... Physics is the best.... King Of Science.... we really can't denied about that!!!! awesome man.... =D

Physics paper ~~~ combined all the section to make a conclusion-----> ushhh.... DIE deep deep!!!! wakakazzzz!!!!

Know why i'm so happy??? cause i know will have this consequence and i have no feeling to it already.... so is better to be cheer....XD

Tomorrow will be the last day.... Try the best~~~~ GAMBATEH!!!!!

2nd day exam.... 14th november~~~

Today is the 2nd day of the final exam.... Today is more relax cause just test for 1 subject that is PA 1....

PA 1~~~ Erm... is quite okay but done some mistake also.... some of the question the 1st answer i choose is correct but after i having the 2nd check i change the answer and eventually the answer is wrong d....=.=
Everytime i done the double checking also will get the same consequence no matter what subject also.... because everytime when i have the 2nd checking i will think a lot for some tricky question until can't decide which answer should be.... haiz.... i swear i won't done double checking again... maybe will be better..... =D

Also.... today our chemistry teacher give us back our yesterday chemistry result... Wah... yesterday paper he also can so fast finish marking.... GENG!!!
But is quite sad after i get the result.... I 肥佬 in my chemistry paper.... haizzz... even though it was in my expectation.... but i also not hope that it will flunked... I just obtained 55%..... the lowest marks that i had ever acquired for my chemistry.... totally dissapointed.... But is my fault also cause im lazy.... I can say to be giving up in this time final exam as i really don't have the mood to study.... SAD!!!!!!! =(

Tomorrow will be physics.... the most worst and worried subject.... Anyway, wait for my " good news" ya.... hahazzz...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

1st day exam... 13th november~~~

Today is the 1st day final exam... subject for today is chemistry and PA 2....

Erm... about the performance for today exam is totally adverse.... tough for me but maybe easier for others... because i din much effort on this final exam....

Chemistry~~ although i study much on chemistry, cause it is the only 1 of my favourite subject... But today exam really make me dissapointed... don't know how to do even... All the question is come out from the past year but i din have any past year question... Also, all the question is from last chapter and it also i'm not very understand what the topic talking about.... i jz study my school chemistry teacher note... His note~~ haiz... speechless... the previous topic just come out few question... damn!!! 70% is from the last two topic....
So~~~ DIE!!!

PA 2 ~~~ whole paper is writing... gosh.... don't know what im write...
Essay- write until no point... maybe the essay cant score also cause the essay is "laras sains".... maybe all my point is didn't relate to science... so don't know!!!

Pemahaman- simply answer the question... don't know got point or not....

Interpret data- the part which i hv the more confident on it... but die also.. =.= cause of careless.... missed a point and don't know the reason that require in the question... just simply wrote it... the question also had done it at school also... but i didn't take it out to revice... so DIE!!!!!

haizzz.... 1st day exam already like that.... don't what will happen the next three days exam....

Sunday, November 11, 2007

See me dance.... wakakakazzzz... =P

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Really moody recently.... totally don hv the mood to do anyting especially study since the exam is around the corner.... but i still keep a lazy attitude to face the exam... haizzz... gotta flunk in the exam....

Don't know why will be like that....What makes me likely to be like that??

Don't know why my heart and my mind always feel uncomfortable....

All i know is because of stress.... But is it a good excuse for myself???

All people are start fight for this coming final exam.... but i still fool around at school and don't have the mood to study.... Absolutely lazy!!!!!!

Holiday will be coming soon... but it doesn't bring any happiness for me... Maybe the holiday is not a enjoyable holiday also... Full of stuff during the holiday... suppose the holiday is for us to rest... Until now, i realise that my entire november holiday is FULL... tuition,camp,attend courses and others... omg!!!! December still don't know yet.... but i can ensure that december stuff will be coming soon... haizzz... really a torturing holiday.... i had over this such of holiday for 5 years... I thought that come to f6 will be more free... Owing to f6 will have less activities, holiday will have more leisure..... but all are in contrast.... =.=

Before that i'm plan for working.... but now, can't even to do so.... I also think to study during the holiday to catch up the lower 6 lesson i missed it... I don't hope that when i go to the upper 6 i still can't catch up.... it will be very suffering and the effect will be very awful.... Next year will be my critical year... If i flunk it... My future spoiled... haizzz...

Even though can't study due to full of stuff is not an excuse... But i really don't know how to distribute my time,today finish the stuff... the next day going for another stuff again... I'm a human... I've my own strength.... Human will feel exhausted... Definitely i will lost my mood to study....

Now, i'm feel very glad because i still have my friend to fool with me.... wakakazzz... just a joke.... =D.... That's all for this.... !!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Flunked again....!!!!

Today was my MUET exam again... And i flunked it again too.... haizz.... Why??? Why??? Why???? Why i always face problem during exam... not cant finish it then is write wrongly and out of point.... argh!!! Although i've try to improve my english,putting much effort on it.... But what's the consequence i obtained???? I really don't want to resit for the MUET next year... i cant endure the stress of the exam... really suffer and make me worried.... But what to do??? today perfomance is already ask me to prepare for the next year resit... HOPELESS!!!!!

Is it my english will continue to be weaken??? haizzz..... FLUNK!!!! T.T